Saturday, April 26, 2008

Camping last weekend with our Sunday School class

Hunting for small fish and tadpoles, the boys caught over 70 critters in all. It made for a great day of fun. The weather was beautiful.

Stephen's technique for catching the tadpoles and minnows was pretty effective.

Sam hunting minnows in the cold lake water. He and Stephen were in the water for 5 hours. Brrr!

Sunday morning around the campfire we had "church". Dick is leading the bible study.

Sam and Stephen take a boat ride with Nathan W. The water was too cold to go tubing.

Casey and Michelle brought their bikes. Friends from church.

Here we are: Sam's friend Stephen included. Ready to go home.

Dick cooking breakfast at the campsite. Food always tastes better outside.

HOME, SWEET,HOME. Dick is packing up the camper to go back home.