Sunday, January 27, 2008

What's on your "bucket list"?

I went to see the new Rob Reiner film, "The Bucket List" on Friday with two friends of mine. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play men who are shocked to learn that they're dying of cancer. They then spend the rest of the movie travelling around the world trying to experience the things they want to do before they "kick the bucket". This got me thinking about the value of thinking about your life before you are told that you are terminally ill. I think the reason that I liked the movie so much is that, in seeing so many people/patients who come through our Cancer Treatment Center who have wasted their time with unimportant things in life. Dreams deferred are dreams denied. Although the movie was an unrealistic picture of chemotherapy and the trips they took were very expensive, it was well worth seeing. I plan to go see it again when Dick can go as well. Anyway, I am rambling. I just wanted to say how important it is to live like it's your last day. I want those people in my life to know how much they mean to me and how much I love them.